
20 May 2024 Open 11:30 - Close 15:00 [ Last Order 14:00 ]

Please inquire for today's lunch availability.


20 May 2024 Open 17:30 - Close 21:30 [ Last Order 20:00 ]

Please inquire for today's Dinner availability.


We offer a selection of charming beverages from Komoro City and Nagano Prefecture for your enjoyment. Delight in the unique terroir and culture.


Please utilize our ”Party" service for dining with 9 or more guests, or if you desire an all-you-can-drink plan. We offer hospitality with delightful dishes that are sure to please your invited guests.

The term 'Honjin' denotes the principal inn of a post town in the Edo era.The ex-Honjins of Komoro-juku and the 'Fujiya' of Zenkoji-juku, two distinguished inns in their time, are linked by the Hokkoku Kaido. Bound by a timeless connection, these two former Honjins herald a new chapter in history.

In the Edo period, an era of peace, the country roads were developed, and the post towns flourished. The Hokkoku Kaido, a crucial route for transporting gold and silver from Sado Island and a pilgrimage path to Zenkoji Temple, was extensively used by many. The Zenkoji-juku's Honjin, known as Fujiya, earned fame as the regular lodging for the daimyo of the Kaga Domain, and the Honjin of Komoro-juku thrived as a hub of commerce. Now, in the Reiwa era, these two historic Honjins are set to reunite, heralding the dawn of a new chapter in history.